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YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Signs and Wonders » The miracle of being a cheerful giver

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cheerful woman rejoicingFrom Josephine Tan:

I am a firm believer and bear testimony that God loves a cheerful giver. Over the years, I found that, when I was least financially sound, if I dug deep into my financial resources to give to the needs of the church and my lesser brothers and sisters — that was when our Lord showed me, in no uncertain terms, that his generosity cannot be outdone!!

The last two years of the pandemic is one clear example. I chose to  be generous in giving to my own churches in Singapore (which suffered huge financial setbacks for obvious reasons) and related charitable organisations in Singapore and globally, including Good News Ministries. Being a cheerful, generous giver has shown me how our omnipotent our Lord and Abba really is. He has continued to bless me ever so richly — and I cannot praise, glorify and thank him enough!

Through Good News Ministries and other like-minded ministries around the world, I have been so abundantly blessed and edified. I am constantly in awe and praise, and I thank our Lord for his unfailing love, mercy, and compassion for me.

All of my life, our Lord and Mother Mary have watched over me, protected me from evil and the snares of the evil one, blessed me with all my needs (physical, financial, spiritual) and helped me in growing my faith journey. So, as in Malachi 3:10, when we give unto the Lord our best, he will amaze us by returning it to us a zillion times over!!

To get your own miracle of sharing, offer a donation today. You’ll be making an impact, changing the world by bringing the light of Christ into the darkness that seems to be taking over the lives of so many people. You’ll be renewing the Church, person by person, by joining us in activating the faith of more and more Catholics.

If you want Good News Ministries to continue, we absolutely need your support. Thank you!

And now, Lord, enable your servants to speak your word with all boldness, as you stretch forth your hand to heal and to give us signs and wonders through the name of Your holy servant Jesus. (Acts 4:29-30)

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