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The Blessings of True Humility

A prayer using Matthew 5:3-10

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Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Forgive me, Lord, because I do not want to fully empty myself to become poor in spirit. I want to be in control of my life, my desires, and the people around me. I want to be important, applauded, admired, listened to and believed. I want the glory to go to me, not just to God. I want more than God’s approval ~ I want the approval of people, too. Lord help me! I belong more to this world than to heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Forgive me, Lord, because I’m not sad about the control my flesh-nature has over my spirit. Rather, I mourn when I can’t have things my way, and so I gain no comfort. Lord help me! Help me see my sins as they really are ~ harmful to my spirit.

Help me see my sins as they really are ~ harmful to my spirit.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

Forgive me, Lord, because I am not meek; I do not control my desire to get riled up over situations that don’t go my way. I get upset over people who oppose me. I get mad at them and try to make them change. I want them to believe I’m wonderful while behaving in a most un-wonderful way. Lord help me! Help me get my focus off of myself.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Forgive me, Lord, because I hunger more for the comfort of my flesh than I hunger for righteousness. I spend more time making myself feel good ~ watching TV, doing work I enjoy, socializing with people I enjoy, avoiding work and people that are difficult ~ than I do spending time in prayer and spiritual nourishment. Lord help me! Reverse this!

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.

Forgive me, Lord, because I am quicker to complain about people than I am to give them mercy. Even if I think that I have given up being angry at them, I remain frustrated because they don’t change the way I want them to. Lord, though I don’t deserve it, give me Your mercy and help me be at peace with others.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God.

Forgive me, Lord, because I have a heart that is far from pure; it is full of deception and manipulation, insistence on my own way, impatience, pride, self-interest, quickness to judge others, the desire to be pitied, and love for what is easy, fun and immediately rewarding. Lord help me! I see me more than I see You! Help me to stop focusing on myself and every problem in my life and to focus more on You.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Forgive me, Lord, because I am more interested in fighting than in making peace ~ fighting for the truth, fighting to be heard, fighting to be understood, fighting to make someone else cater to me and give me attention. Lord help me! I’m fighting against You! I’m fighting against my inheritance of love! Help me to believe and trust that You will take care of everything that I think needs fighting for, Your way, which is the way of peace and love.

Blessed are those who are persecuted, for their reward will be great in heaven.

Forgive me, Lord, because I don’t want to be persecuted. I do not agree to suffering with joy. I want everyone to like me and approve of me. And when I suffer at the hands of others, I want to make them stop hurting me. I do not want to offer the other cheek. I do not want to allow people to nail me to the cross. Lord help me! Help me to want to be like Jesus. Only You can achieve this ~ without You it is impossible, because I try so hard to be unlike Jesus!

Suddenly, I realize something. I have entered into the first beatitude! Lord, I have emptied myself before You; I have become poor in spirit. And now I can just about feel that sense of mourning, too. Thank You, Lord, I am on my way to purification, because You are answering my pleas for help!

© 1997 by Terry A. Modica

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Growing through the Beatitudes

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