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Resources for Developing
Small Christian Communities

Give this to your facilitators as a guideline to follow during their Small Christian Community meetings.

YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Developing Small Christian Communities » The Format of SCC Meetings

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Note: This format for SCC meetings — and all pages about developing Small Christian Communities — can be downloaded as a printable PDF set; scroll down to the order form at the bottom of the Table of Contents.

Meeting Duration: 1-1/2 hours, plus fellowship time with refreshments

Small Christian Community mission


  1. Welcome everyone and introduce new members
    1. Be careful not to allow too much time gabbing and getting reacquainted; save that for refreshment time
  2. Opening prayer, asking God:
    1. to be present in the meeting
    2. to anoint each person’s mind and heart for sharing and learning
    3. to guide the meeting and keep the conversation on track
    4. to be with those who couldn’t make it or are late
    5. to fill everyone with the Holy Spirit, the teacher of truth
    6. and end by giving God glory and praise
  3. Read 1st scripture and commentary
  4. Faith sharing on that scripture; ask the members:
    1. What part of that related to you and your life?
    2. How does this help you with your daily life?
    3. What struck you the most? Why?
    4. And/or use questions given by the commentary
  5. Repeat #4 for 2nd scripture and Gospel reading
  6. Life Application just before meeting ends
    1. What goals do these scriptures give you for this week?
    2. How would you like these readings to change you?
    3. What would you say was the theme God gave us in this meeting?
  7. Closing prayer
    1. Summarize the main lessons learned in the meeting and thank God
    2. Ask God to help make these lessons take root in us and change us
    3. Open the prayer to petitions made by anyone who wants to offer them
    4. Offer up all unspoken needs and the needs of those not present
    5. End with the “Our Father,” a “Hail Mary” and a “Glory Be”
  8. Announcements
    1. Share whatever news is pertinent (upcoming retreat, info about a member who is absent, etc.)
    2. Assign who will bring refreshments next week (use predictable schedule)
  9. Fellowship with refreshments, which members take turns supplying


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Mathews O. Oluoh
Mathews O. Oluoh
September 21, 2022 12:15 pm

Suppose A SCC is meeting on a Sunday, do they read the scripture for thiis Sunday or for next Sunday

December 17, 2021 7:44 am

This makes so much sense and clarifies its purpose. Too much time without a clear purpose weakens the bond.