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[ WordBytes on “The Master Needs You” ]

YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Evangelization Ministry for Today’s World (catalog) » A Prayer to Become God’s Instrument

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To be God’s instrument of ministry is the calling of every Christian. The following prayer is also available as part of the e-book Knowing God’s Will and Doing it Well, downloadable as a PDF.

ministry of laityO, my heavenly Father,
I give all of my life to You
in the name of Your Son,
my Lord Jesus Christ,
and through the power of
Your Holy Spirit.

I have heard You calling me,
and I choose to follow
where Your Son leads me.
I want to help others find their way
into Your kingdom.
I want to serve others so that they can experience
Your love.
Use me.
Use the hurts and sufferings I’ve endured.
Use the talents, the resources, the time, the experiences,
the spiritual growth and everything else You have given me.
Use me.

Help me to love all people unconditionally
to reveal Jesus to others through me.

Help me to grow in my desire to love all people.
Today, and every day, help me to decrease
so that You may increase in me.
Help me to love purely, humbly, and generously.
Show me how to receive more of Your love
so that I have more love to give.

Heal me of every obstacle that holds me back from serving You.
I give You permission to change me.

Here I am, Lord, I want to do Your will.

© 1997 by Terry A. Modica

This WordByte is also available as part of the e-book Knowing God’s Will and Doing it Well, downloadable as a PDF.

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A Prayer to Become God’s Instrument

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March 29, 2023 4:56 pm

this prayer said the perfect thing at the perfect time

Bolaji Taiwo Olanitori
Bolaji Taiwo Olanitori
January 6, 2021 6:30 am

This has been my heartfelt cry, to be used of God. Thanks so much for putting these pieces together. God bless you

Ann Abel
Ann Abel
May 25, 2018 7:37 pm

Thank you Good News Ministries. This had been my yearning and I couldn’t find the right words. I have been very blessed and all I want is to give back and share my experiences to bring my friends and family to receive the same. May God bless you all forever.