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She wanted healing in her family. In November 2016, Delia Alvarez said to me, “It’s so hard to be silent and listen to God speaking to me. Sometimes, I hear something but it wasn’t until later that I realized: ‘That was God talking to me’. I want to learn how to discern God’s voice talking to me.”
A few months later (February), she wrote:
“To say I am in awe of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration in my life is an understatement! It is so much more.”
This growth was part of a process that included attendance in the Good News Ministries course entitled, Living in the power of the Holy Spirit, when it was live and interactive (it’s now available as an archived video course).
She continued:
“I’ve always believed I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I could hear God’s voice in my thoughts yet always pictured him so far away. I tend to listen more with my heart and not only with my mind.
The new, healed and continued healing relationship with family members is a testimony of what God can do when we listen and pray for change. I heard or sensed the promptings of the Holy Spirit. It was I who needed to change first. The Holy Spirit’s guidance and inspiration to stop, look and listen to the whole person and not just what I think I see or want to see, is a new beginning for me. ¡Gracias a Dios!
I am, as my neighbor is, a child of God. The continued healing and loving renewal of family encompass generations of all God’s people that are beyond my human visualization, because I believe more and more they are and have always been in God’s vision (his heart’s desire).
One morning, as I was getting ready for work, the words written in this heart-graphic, came peacefully and lovingly to my mind and settled in my own heart. I ask our Beloved Savior for these same words to sanctify and strengthen me, that my thoughts, my words, my deeds, my actions and the desires of my heart will be a holy reflection of who I am, a beloved child of God. For Holy is his name. And I want to acknowledge with a sincere, peaceful and respectful heart the same affirmation to my neighbor, beginning at home.”
© 2017 by Terry A. Modica with Delia Alvarez
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Delia’s story of healing in her family
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