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Fernando’s testimony

YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Victory in Your Finances (catalog) » Miraculous Faith

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The following personal testimony about miraculous faith was written by Fernando Ramos, the husband of Graciela who is GNM’s bilingual Ministry Assistant. They live with their four children in Argentina.

“May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” (Psalm 33:22)

When we are going through difficult times, we need miraculous faith. But this is exactly the time when our faith and trust are under trial. In those moments, we can measure how much faith we have in God, trusting that He can, he wishes and he will make a change for good in our lives. We can also feel how much we believe that he is good, that he’s always looking out for us, caring for our situations, and that he will neither let us down nor delay the time to fulfill his good plans for us.

But God wants to work together with us. He doesn’t want to do things alone, so he wants us to join him as partners in his works and in the joy that results from the beautiful goals we reach together. You’ve witnessed this in Good News Ministries. Through GNM, God reaches the hearts of thousands of people, including myself of course, who need to grow in faith and love, needing to be spiritually accompanied and needing to drink living water. The material tool that will fulfill these basic goals is the amount of $40,000(USD). This amount is obtained from the financial support of many neighbors who understand that “for it is in giving, that we receive” (Saint Francis of Assisi).

How can this be important for you?

God has to train us in charity and generosity, which are the distinguishing signs of a faith-built community, and he does that especially in the hard times I mentioned before. It’s in those times that we understand more. They are the times for great decisions that will affect our lives. We can either endure hard times alone, focused on bitterness or with the feeling of being abandoned, or choose Jesus’ proposal: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30).

The decision that makes the differenceMy wife and children and I have been through long periods of trials of varying kinds. They were years of not understanding why that was happening, and it was difficult for us to accept that everything had a purpose in God’s plan. Things came to a point that, broken in our hearts and surrendered at the cross, we made two decisions: First, pray altogether as a family. Second, help any person whom God places in our path, sharing the few things we had.

And we started to do so. Then, silently but markedly, our family life started to take a new path. God worked a miracle. What had seemed impossible (e.g. to have a good income and a decent job) changed in an unimaginable way, and blessings were delivered upon our family. The Lord worked with great power in us and in those with whom we shared what we had.

Today, we are following the same direction, and since we started this path it’s always in our mind that phrase from Malachi’s book: “Put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need” (Malachi 3:10).

You’ll say, and you are right, that the feelings of abandonment, powerlessness and tiredness can’t be avoided. It’s true. Jesus had them during his passion. But what you can choose to do, and you can do, is a small act of faith. When things seem to crumble, when everything seems to go wrong and when life seems to crash in a deep fall, it is possible to make a difference and change courses:

  1. Decide to place your trust in Jesus.
  2. Deprive yourself of your own judgments and agenda to solve situations.
  3. Give him everything you have and place it under his cross.
  4. Make the Lord the steward of all your possessions (in fact they are his): be generous and let him work in you and through you.

Tell him you choose to trust him, but say it in a loud voice. Praise him, tell him how important he is to you, and sing to him songs of praise, He likes them so much!

Nothing that is happening to you escapes his attention, and your blessing is already prepared. This is not a theory, it’s a real and hopeful truth.

Be generous, choose to trust your Lord, and you’ll see the results.

© 2015 by Fernando Ramos

Next Step: Practice sacrificial giving at Good News Ministries. You’ll be making an impact, changing the world by bringing the light of Christ into the darkness of today’s world, renewing the Church person by person by activating the faith of Catholics. Please donate now.

See also Sacrificial Giving: How we learned to overcome our fears” (The testimony of Ralph and Terry Modica)

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Miraculous Faith

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