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God has given us the power to defeat evil. “If you believe in Me, you will do the same works I do…” (John 14:12). This power comes from first being a consumer of the Faith, then serving as a producer of the Faith.

Jesus defeated all evil when he died for our sins and then rose from that death. We live in that victory whenever we unite ourselves to it. We absorb it into us whenever we consume Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

Many good people stop there. They are only consumers of the Faith, leaving church feeling satisfied that they have fulfilled their spiritual duties, unaware of the tremendous power they have just received.

Go to Holy Mass and listen for the words of empowerment. The liturgy, from beginning to end, is full of healing (so that we are no longer held back by sins and sufferings) and empowerment (so that we can go forth to defeat evil and truly make a difference). Whole-hearted participation is a process of freeing ourselves, through the power of Christ, to become like him. And just as soon as we consume him in the Eucharist, we are sent forth to be productive Christians making a difference for the kingdom of God.


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See also: The 4-second prayer to defeat Satan >>

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© 2014 by Terry A. Modica

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