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hand of GodIn Luke 11:1-4 and Matthew 6:9-14, Jesus outlines an example of effective prayer. We can adapt it to win the battle against terrorism. But first, we need to enter into the prayer with the mind of Christ.

When the evil Ninevites converted, Jonah was angry that things didn’t go his way. He wanted revenge, not mercy for those who had inflicted so much harm, so much terror on his people (see Jonah 4:1-11).

“O Lord,” Jonah prayed, “this is what I said would happen while I was still in my own country! This is why I fled to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger, rich in mercy, loathe to punish. And now, Lord, please take my life from me; I don’t want to live.” But the Lord asked, “Have you reason to be angry? … Should I not be concerned over Nineveh, home to more than 120,000 persons who cannot distinguish their right hand from their left, not to mention the many cattle?”

As much as God was concerned about the Ninevites, who could not distinguish “their right hand from their left” (good from evil), He is just as concerned for the people today who breed terror, persecute Christians, or spread violence and oppression. They are not evil — Satan is the evil one (see Ephesians 6) — for they were created in the likeness of God. They just don’t know their right hand from their left (the spirit of hate makes people very, very stupid, so stupid that they can’t understand truth when it stares them in the face or knocks on their hearts). Of course He cares! He is their Father.

Are we going to be complainers like Jonah? Or are we going to be Godly and pray for them out of concern for the well being of their souls? The governments who are fighting the evil of terrorism are doing what they have to do to protect the world from this evil. We Christians have our own battle cry, our own weapons, our own responsibilities in conquering this evil. It is in the power of prayer.

Let us pray:

Jesus defeats the evil of terrorismOUR FATHER – Allah, Yahweh, Abba, Daddy, Father of us all, I pray in solidarity with all your children: Muslims, Jews, Christians, and those who don’t even know You.

WHO IS IN HEAVEN – You are Lord over all. You reign over all the earth, and although You allow us to disobey you by our free will choices, You are ultimately the One in charge. Eventually, we all come face-to-face with Your infinite love and realize how little we have loved. Help us all — all your children, including those promoting terror — to discover Your love here on earth, turn to it and convert to it, before it’s too late.

HOLY IS YOUR NAME – Allah, Yahweh, Abba, Daddy. Each version of Your name is holy, for You are holy. Help us all to revere You and to acknowledge Your great mercy. Help those who, because of their hatred and involvement in terrorism, are most in need of Your mercy. Help them to understand, accept and respect Your ways. Help us all to turn away from everything that is not of You.

YOUR KINGDOM COME – Penetrate all domains of darkness, all strongholds of the Enemy, with the power and love. Whatever is fighting against Your kingdom, Jesus has already defeated on the cross and in His resurrection. May His Precious Blood cover every terrorist and heal their minds. May His resurrected presence visit every terrorist planning session and scramble the Enemy’s work.

YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN – Help us all to know Your will, clearly and accurately, and fill us with a zeal for doing what You ask of us. Give us special graces at this time in history to hear and grasp Your will more profoundly. Bless and anoint the minds of terrorists who are working against Your will, because what You bless, You cover with Your holiness, and where Your holiness is, Evil flees from it.

GIVE US TODAY OUR DAILY BREAD – Whatever it is that we need today, dear Allah, Yahweh, Abba, Daddy, to better understand Your will and to more fully live in Your will, help us all to receive it. Help those who are most starving for You — those who don’t know the Real You — to become aware that they are hungering for Your love and to seek and find the Real You.

FORGIVE US OUR SINS – Forgive us for what divides us. Forgive us also for the mistaken ideas the terrorists have about what is right and what is wrong and what You, Allah, Yahweh, Abba, Daddy have spoken in truth. Forgive us for contributing to violence in our world, as we are all guilty in some way. Forgive us for exposing our children to the evil one’s fascination with violence and death, through video games, movies, horror novels and Halloween. Likewise, forgive the terrorists who teach violence and hatred to their children, for they don’t know what they are doing to those little ones, to their own personal searches for love, and to the world. Have mercy on us, Father, and on the whole world. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Your mercy.

AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO SIN AGAINST US – In forgiving others, we receive forgiveness. Lord, I do forgive. And on behalf of all my brothers and sisters around the world, whether or not they know we are family, including those who plan and implement terror, I ask You, O great and merciful Father, to forgive those who came before us and passed onto us their legacy of evil. Break the chains of hatred and violence that has been passed down to those who are trapped in it today. Heal the wounds in them that were caused by the generations preceding them. Free today’s terrorists from the chains of the past, so that they become able to recognize the truth about Your love and desire Your holy ways.

DO NOT SUBJECT US TO THE TRIAL – I pray that each and every one of us — especially right now the terrorists — will recognize and accept Your love and Your holy ways here on earth, so that when we die, we will recognize Jesus, who is the human embodiment of Perfect Love, and run into His waiting arms. Save us from hell, save the terrorists from hell. Do not let them die, and do not let them kill anyone else, before they are ready to join You in heaven.

DELIVER US FROM EVIL – Deliver the world from further terrorist attacks. Protect us from all tactics of the devil. Protect us from biological and chemical warfare, from bombings and hijackings and other attacks of evil that is right now being planned. Expose such strategies in the Light of Christ in time for the authorities to stop them. And deliver from evil those who are being used as Satan’s puppets; set them free to see what the Light of Christ is revealing, free to understand the truth, free to act upon the truth with repentance and a yearning for true holiness.

And may the Blessed Mother of Christ, who crushed Satan beneath her feet when she delivered the Savior to the world, place us all under her care and protection and the power of her prayers.


© 2001 by Terry A. Modica

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Prayer to Defeat the Evil of Terrorism

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