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Read Matthew 16:13-23.

YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Spiritual Growth (catalog) » Who is Jesus to you? A 30-day private retreat

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“Who do you say that I am?” This question in Matthew 16:13-23 is what Jesus asks each of us. Who is Jesus to you personally? We especially need to answer this whenever our relationship with him needs to improve. Oh, isn’t that everyday?

This reflection contains a spiritual exercise. You can find healing and renewal in your friendship with him by meditating on the different names for Jesus or attributes of his nature. Meditate on a different one each day, and dig deep to find out whether or not you really believe it’s true. By becoming aware of what you do and do not believe, you will begin to believe more fully.

For example, if you choose to meditate on the word “savior”, you could begin by asking yourself: How do I need saving today? For the word “Lord”, try: What have I been keeping in my own control that I should turn over to Jesus? For the word “healer”, you could go far with: Why do I doubt him when my prayers to overcome sickness are not answered according to my wishes?

Below is a list of names for Jesus. For a 30-day retreat, use one name per day and reflect on what it means to you. Be honest with yourself, for this will provide healing; it gives God room to move in and introduce himself more fully.

“Who do you say that I am?”

Jesus Christ: Who do you say I am?

  1. The Advocate with the Father (1 John 2:1)
  2. The All and in All (Col. 3:11)
  3. The Almighty (Rev. 1:8)
  4. The Author of Our Faith (Heb. 12:2)
  5. Our Brother (Matt. 12:50)
  6. The Chief Cornerstone (Eph. 2:20)
  7. My Defense (Ps. 94:22)
  8. My Deliverer (Ps. 40:17)
  9. Faithful (1 Thes. 5:24)
  10. Guest (Luke 19:7)
  11. Harmless (Heb. 7:26)
  12. The Head of All Principality and Power (Col. 2:10)
  13. My Helper (Heb. 13:6)
  14. My Hiding Place (Ps. 32:7)
  15. Our Hope (1 Tim. 1:1)
  16. The Kindness and Love of God (Titus 3:4)
  17. Lord of Peace (2 Thes. 3:16)
  18. Lowly in Heart (Matt. 11:29)
  19. A Merciful and Faithful High Priest (Heb. 2:17)
  20. Our Peace (Eph. 2:14)
  21. The Power of God (1 Cor. 1:24)
  22. A Quickening Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)
  23. The Riches of His Glory (Rom. 9:23)
  24. The Same Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Heb. 13:8)
  25. Our Shield (Ps. 84:9)
  26. My Joy (Ps. 43)
  27. My Strength (Is. 12:2)
  28. Teacher (Matt. 10:25)
  29. The Victory (1 Cor. 15:54)
  30. Wisdom (1 Cor. 1:25)


© 2003 by Terry A. Modica

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Who is Jesus to you? A 30-day private retreat

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