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Resources for Developing
Small Christian Communities

5 minute-presentation before or after Mass

YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Developing Small Christian Communities » Presentation During Mass to Invite People to Join

[Most articles can be downloaded; if you see no download form, write to us.]

Note: The ideas for what to say to the congregation to invite them to join a Small Christian Community — and all pages about developing Small Christian Communities — can be downloaded as a printable PDF set, scroll down to the order form at the bottom of the Table of Contents.

Include the following information in your presentation, in any order that works for you. Thanks so much for doing this service!

  1. Introduce yourself (unless the priest already did)
  2. Tell how long have you belonged to an SCC
  3. Tell why you joined an SCC
  4. Describe what your life was like before you joined one, and how the SCC enhanced your life
  5. Mention how it built your faith and your relationship with God
  6. Mention that it built friendships: How important have these friendships become?
  7. The SCCs are now starting at your parish and you are here to invite participation.
  8. Belonging to other parish groups is not the same as belonging to an SCC, because the SCC’s purpose is to share your faith journey with fellow parishioners while centering on the Sunday scriptures. Being a community means the people matter to each other, even during the rest of the week outside of meetings.
  9. In the bulletin is an insert (hold it up for all to see) with a sign-up form for joining an SCC. It’s important that you fill this out and return it to the church office after Mass today or during the week. At the end of the week, the groups will be formed. You will be contacted soon after with information about the group you are assigned to.
  10. End with a reminder that this is a special opportunity.


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