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Resources for Developing
Small Christian Communities

YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Developing Small Christian Communities » Sample Invitation to New Parishioners

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Note: This invitation given to new parishioners — and all pages about developing Small Christian Communities — can be downloaded as a printable PDF set; scroll down to the order form at the bottom of the Table of Contents.

Dear New Parishioner:

The Parish Family of (name of church) would like to welcome you warmly into our community. To convey this warmth to you, however, can be difficult in a congregation as large as ours is at the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. It’s not unusual for new parishioners to feel lost and ignored in the crowd.

So we offer you many choices for getting to know us and for receiving the friendships available to you here. One of these choices is our Small Christian Community program. These SCCs are small groups of 8 to 12 people who meet informally in someone’s home. SCC members gather weekly to fellowship and share the Word. The meetings last an hour and a half, followed by refreshments, and are centered around the Sunday scripture readings. These are not Bible Study groups, the discussions are not theological, and it doesn’t matter how familiar you are with scripture. We supply Bible commentary books that provide insights into the readings, and during the meetings, group members share what the week’s scriptures mean to them personally, and how they have or want to apply them to their own life situations and struggles.

SCC members are spiritual companions on the journey of life. They give each other understanding, support, prayer, encouragement and hope in the midst of difficulties. They form bonds of friendships that bring God’s unconditional love to each one. God’s love and the parish’s warmth and caring become concretely evident!

It this appeals to you, or if you’d like to find out more about it, give me a call. Choose which time of week fits your schedule.

I pray that your life is greatly enriched by your involvement in (name of church) Parish!

SCC Director
(phone number)


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