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Small Christian Communities

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YOUR PATH: WordBytes » Developing Small Christian Communities » Agenda for SCC Kick-Off Meeting

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A Kick-Off Meeting can be very important for building energy and enthusiasm for your Small  Christian Community ministry.

“The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will instruct you in everything, and remind you of all that I have told you.” (John 14:26)

1. Participants in the meeting introduce themselves and state why they are here.

2. Introduction of SCC Director by the Pastor

3. Prayer Service (see below)

4. Facilitators: their role, personality type, skills, training, etc.

5. Tentative schedule for starting SCCs in the parish

6. How to get people to join SCCs

7. Who might give the witness talks at Masses?

8. Study materials for SCCs

9. Closing blessing by Pastor


PRAYER SERVICE for the Kick-Off Meeting

Read Acts 2:1-11


The word “Pentecost” means 50. The Feast of Pentecost was celebrated about 50 days after Passover and was a feast of thanksgiving for the harvest. The first fruits of the crop were offered to God that day. All Jewish men were expected to come to the temple for the feast. The city was usually full to overflowing, and it was fitting that this day was chosen as the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.

Pentecost is, in reality, the birthday of the Church, and the Christian religion was to be a church for the whole world. The old law was given by God to Moses for the Jews only. The new law, given by Christ and confirmed by the power of the Holy Spirit, was for all peoples. That means you, and that means today, right where you are. The very fact that you are interested in getting involved in Small Christian Communities is proof that the power of the Holy Spirit is drawing you near to Him.

Let this be the day that you invite Jesus Christ (once again) to come into your heart and become the Lord of your life. Take a few silent moments and confess to the Lord all that is unworthy within you, and then ask him to let his Holy Spirit fill you with the power and peace that surpasses all understanding. Let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through you, and you will enjoy the same enthusiasm in your faith life as the Apostles did.

Questions for faith sharing:

How can your family or friends identify the Spirit of God’s presence in you? What comes forth from your mouth, and what do you need to do so people will be astonished by your words?

Prayer time:

At this time in the Kick-Off Meeting, each person offers up to God a prayer for these things; this can be done silently, on paper, or shared aloud. Invite the participants to ponder these questions: What do you need to get rid of in your life that blocks the Holy Spirit’s gifts from flowing through you? Or what do you want to ask the Holy Spirit to give you that will help you become a better witness of the Gospel?


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